25 Reasons to Study Abroad

1. It’ll look good on your CV

If you can explore a new country at the same time as picking up the international skills to gain a decent graduate job, then that’s pretty good going.

2. Brush up on your language skills

Remember the foreign language skills you picked up in school? No, me neither. Refresh them by studying abroad; you might be surprised at how much you remember.

3. Living in a foreign country is completely different to a holiday

You’ll actually get to experience your place of study in the long term, picking up local knowledge such as where sells the best coffee, what tourist traps to avoid and how to get the most out of your new city.

4. Discover new and exciting foods

Get more paella /poutine /pierogi /schnitzel /shawarma /chimichanga /katsudon /bobotie /baklava (delete as appropriate) in your life.

5. Gain independence

It’s not easy being independent – to paraphrase Destiny's Child – but it’s also a heck of a lot better than living with your parents as a 20-something.

See the full post here at TopUniversities.com.